You're not alone

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

State Boards

I took my practical for cosmetology/barbering today.  I woke up late, cut my finger replacing my razor, hit bad traffic, I got there 10 minutes before we started, my finger started to bleed again, I looked like a noob trying to curl the hair, totally looked like a noob during the shaving. At that point I thought I'd failed so my last and final thing, the male hair cut, I just did it as fast as I could, probably the worst haircut I've ever done. Result: PASS! 

Stay Hungry


SinkorSwim said...

Congratulations! That's awesome. =)

Miss Burton said...

pass? that's good! congrats :) I'm sure that haircut wasnt so bad

Kelly said...

that's great that your worst really isn't that bad!! Congrats on the pass!!

Meggy said...

haha thats really funny! im sure youve done way better when your finger isnt f*cked and you still pass!! nice job :]]]