That is my post pregnant body. Ugh right? I try and tell myself it's not as bad as it looks. But yeah.
Secretly I don't believe in weighing oneself too often. There are too many variables to fluctuation of weight. Did you have a bm? Are you retainer water? Dehydrated? Fasting? You know what I mean.
Don't get me wrong, if you weigh yourself daily it's ok. I used to all the time. I just can't handle the stress and anxiety anymore. I also think my husband would worry if he catches me weighing myself ever.
I need to apologize to people that follow my blog. I read your blogs too! I just don't have internet access in my home at the moment and it makes it really hard to post. I sometimes will post on your blog from my phone, but it gets all weird. I love you all for your kind words. And I am thinking about you.
I just started an Instagram account too! If you have one follow me! I am able to comment a lot easier. Mine is: stickthin.
I need ideas for how to attack my weight loss. I need to get into an exercise routine. Even if it's just a little bit at a time. I currently don't have a gym pass. I love running outside. Anyone have ideas?
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone